





2020.04.01 印刷情報商品を通し、環境貢献商品を通し、いつもお引き立て賜り有り難うございます。
2013.08.20 日本郵便様と提携させていただき、ゆうパックによるケナフロールの販売を始めました。
2012.12.26 2012年エコプロダクツに釜野徳明先生と出展しました。
2012.03.11 東日本大震災に遭われた皆様に、今春もお見舞い申し上げます。
2012.03.05 柏崎市立東中学校の卒業式において、「ケナフの卒業証書」が今年も授与されました。
2011.02.25 環境活動の成果を本にまとめ、柏崎市立東中学校に寄贈いたしました。
2011.03.07 柏崎市立東中学校の卒業式において、「ケナフの卒業証書」が授与されました。

We are engaged in environmental activities, international exchange activities, production of graphic designs, printing and translation.

We are based in Kashiwazaki-City in Niigata in Japan.
As an environmental activity, we grow environment conservation plants.

We hope for conserving our beautiful earth inviting the participation of junior-high students and for such a place where children can foster love for life profoundly.

From spring to fall of the year, we perform cultivating activities.

This plant, kenaf has a high absorbing and fixing ratio of carbon dioxide and exhaust fumes, and paper can be made from its pulp.

Kenaf paper made from plant pulp, it is friendly to earth.

We manufacture papers for calligraphy etc. from kenaf and deliver them to children who joined our projects.

As an international exchange activity, we host the oversea students' stay.

We introduce the favored natural features and cultures of Japan to the university students and hold parties where they can make an international exchange with children who work together for our environmental activities.

As for printing, we do from planning to bookbinding.

Graphic designs, bookbinding and translation of all kinds of documents and research papers which satisfy you request.

Joy of carrying on human wisdom. Joy of doing the best for conserving the environment.

Joy of contributing to international exchanges.

We wish a lot of those we meet today will make a lot of people even happier.